Monday, July 12, 2010

Final Entry From Kufazriesyah: The Final Picture of Speculations...

this going to be the last entry from me.. WC pun da abes kan.. so, tahniah ESpanayuinirelwolf... Spain main bagus n deserve to win.. syabas...sian horen fans.. a.k.a bujang... azam tu ader.. usaha tu ader.. takdir tu xde.. hahaha.. cuber lgik yer?

Aku duk tgk2 la korang post entry picture of speculation.. takde aper yg pelik... berbanding dgn aper yg aku ader.. hehee... tapi still yg aku favourite, si gadis bogel tak jadik tu.. hehe.. tu mmg mantop...
so, try this one lak utk picture of speculation...

hehehe.. agaknya perlawanan pertandingan aper la agaknyer ni kan... hehehe...

n finally...

hehehe.. pelik kan? haa.. jgn terpedaya dgn first impression korang... huhu~

WC da abes, tahniah spain... sedih Brazil... jumpa lagi 4 thn akan dtg... (time tu insyaallah aku dah kawen) hahaha~


  1. kehkeh siap posing lagi tu kufaz...tak leh blah posing gambar pakai baju england...

  2. umar takde gambar
    kalau ade pun, semua gambar bogel
