Monday, June 28, 2010

Hukum karma


this is what happen in the World Cup Final 1966. Its the third 'goal' 'scored' by Geoff Hurst.

bezakan dgn gol lampard tak score mlm td. hukum karma?? huhuhu.


  1. r u muslim or not??

    why u mix this thing with hukum karma..
    do u believe in hukum karma????

  2. Hukum karma pe nye? Hukum kurma leh la haha :D

    Hmm.. xperlu la fokus sangat pada hukum karma 2.
    As islam, muslim. Just ckp la benda 2 qada' qadar. Benda nk terjadi. Lagi 1, mayb itu juga leh kita kata kn, pe yang kita dapat, kita buat, akn dapat balasan yang setimpal. Adil sama adil.

    But kekalahan england bkn kerana kurma ni hehe :P
    Sbb perform jerman terbaik dan lebih baik dari england. england dun have a good touch.

    So, kita judge dari game saja :)

  3. im sorry if i've offended other people...
    its just a joke...
    nothing religious related...

    im a muslim and i didnt mean it the way u think...
    sorry again...
